Appointed by the County Commissioners the Board of Trustees determines the Library’s operation policies, selects the Library Director, creates the Library’s annual funding request, budgets funds appropriated by the County, authorizes all major expenditures, carries out duties assigned by state and local ordinances, seeks funding for the Library’s needs & services and most importantly promotes the Library in the community.
Ste. Genevieve Library District Board MembersÂ
(Chapter 182.050) (Four Year Term)
Member             Position          Term Beginning   Term Expires
Jean Johnson         President          7/1/2022         6/30/2026
Robert Bach          Secretary          7/1/2021         6/30/2025
Robin Reynolds       Treasurer           7/1/2021        6/30/2025
Cynthia Nugent       Member-at-Large    7/1/2020        6/30/2024
Melissa Otto         Vice President       7/1/2020        6/30/2023
*Ste. Genevieve Library District Board voted to separate themselves from the Ozark Regional Library District effective date for separation is 6/1/2016
The Library Board meets the second Monday of the month at 12:00 pm in the Library Meeting room.
If you would like to learn more about our board and what we do check out the link Board Information tool if you would like to be considered when a position comes up again fill out your information here. When a position becomes available we will take these names to the commissioners for consideration.