Ste. Genevieve County Eliminates Fines

Ste. Genevieve County Library will stop charging fines for most overdue materials effective July 15th.

“If you return your items, you will not owe anything. Fees for replacement or damages remain,” Library Director Shawn Long said.

Switching to a “fine-free” policy on overdue materials is a national trend among libraries. “Our board felt it was important to ensure our services can be utilized by all patrons regardless of financial ability,” stated Shawn.

The Library will not charge late fees for late books, audiobooks, and DVD’s checked out from any of its two branches. However, fees will be charged for items that are damaged or lost as well as “nontraditional items” including, Wonderbooks, Launchpads, fishing poles, and Wi-Fi Hotspots.

“Libraries that eliminate fines do not lead to more lost materials,” stated Shawn. “In fact, many libraries see the number of cardholders go up along with circulation”

Our Board is confident in adopting this fine-free policy because Ste. Genevieve community members support our library and are respectful of the social contract libraries require. Board member Melissa Otto said she, too, thinks eliminating fines is a good idea.

“I have seen firsthand the burden economic hardship means to families, a fine of $5.00 means something significantly different to a family who is watching every dollar going in and out, than someone who has the means to pay it without thought. We want to avoid penalizing busy families who might accidentally miss a due date, I am so excited to see our board take this policy and implement it, I hope it means more faces utilizing our wonderful library.”

If you have questions about this program or any other service, SGCLIB staff are ready to answer your questions. Check out the library’s Facebook page,  come by the library, or contact them at [email protected] or 573-883-3358.